Thursday, December 30, 2010

Purple Sheet Cake Ideas

City about living

Living admits no jokes.
have to live with all seriousness,
like a squirrel, for example,
ie without expecting anything out of life and beyond;
ie, all assignments are summarized in one word:
have to take seriously the life.
is, to the point and
so that even with your arms tied behind his back, and back
attached to the wall, or

wearing big glasses and wearing a white coat in a lab, you should know dying
by men.
And by men who probably never saw, and also
no one forces you to do, and also knowing
the real and beautiful thing is
have to take life so seriously
than seventy years, for example, if necessary

planted olive trees without thinking that one day would be for your children;
you do, my friend, you must,
not because, although the issues, do not believe in death, but because living
is your task.


happens, for example, we are very sick
we have to endure a difficult operation;

that it is possible that no return to get up from the white table.
Although it is impossible not to feel sadness
leaving early,
continue laughing at the last joke,
looking out the window to see if the time is

eagerly awaiting the latest release.
happens, for example, that we are on the front,
for something, such worth that fight. Just
the attack began, the first movement,
face may fall to the ground, and die.
All that we accept with singular value, and yet
passionately concerned for the war that may last for years and years.

happens we're in jail.

we approach the fifty years
and eighteen others missing
to see the iron gates open.
However, we continue to live with foreigners,
with men, animals, conflict and winds,
is, with all the outside world is
behind the wall of our sufferings is
: wherever we have to live

as if we had never died.


this world is cold,
a star among the stars;
other hand one of the smallest in the universe,
ie a drop in the bright blue velvet
is, this huge world ours.
this world is cold one day, a

day slide in the blind darkness of infinite
-not a snowball
not dead, like a cloud, like a nut
from right now has to suffer through,
should feel sadness now,
has to love both the world at all times,
must love you so consciously
you can say: I have lived.

Desert Eagle Metall Chrom

pale and deep nap ... Whether you've dreamed

pale and absorbed by the hot wall of a garden.
Play from blackthorn and brambles
clicks blackbirds, rumors of snake.

cracks in the soil or the carob
rows of red stalk
ants that cross or break
on top of tiny bundles. Observe

between the fronds of the distant throb of blades

while rising sea trembling
clicking of cicadas from bare peaks.

And walking in the sun that shines
felt sad that all of life and fatigue in this tour is

a wall topped with sharp spikes of bottle.

Eugenio Montale

Thank You Cardfor Surgeon

Whether you've dreamed that you become unreal.
Will I have time to reach that
still living body
and mouth kissing on the birth of the
voice that is loved?
Whether you've dreamed
my arms, used to cross over my chest as if hugging
may never again meet
the shape of your body.
And before the actual appearance of
what I have and
rules for so many days and years, I will make sure
myself in
a shadow.
Oh, the emotional balance! Whether you've dreamed
insurance is too late to wake up.
sleep standing with
body exposed to all
forms of life and love,
and you, the only one who now has to
I can not touch your face or the lips

as touch his lips and forehead of a passing
. Both
I dreamed about you, so I walked
both have spoken, so I slept with your ghost
That may not be more than
me become a ghost among the ghosts

And a hundred times more shadow than the
walks and stroll happily the sundial of your life

Last poem I dreamed about you as much as I walked
both you both have spoken Both
I have loved your shadow,
That you and I have nothing left.
I can only be a shadow in the shadows
be a hundred times more shadow than the shadow
be the shadow that returns and return your life
A sunny.

Robert Desnos

* Translation Bruno Cuneo

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can You Get Freckles From A Solarium?

An art

The art of losing is not difficult so much

contain the germ of the loss, but loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost
the door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing is not hard.

After losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and the following scale
of your trip. None of this will be a disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look!
disappeared last or next to last of my three loved houses went.
The art of losing is not hard.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And a huge
realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
miss them, but there has been a disaster.

Not even losing you (the loving voice, gesture
I love) I can fool me.
is clear that the art of losing is not very difficult, although
may look like (Write it!) a disaster.

Elizabeth Bishop

How To Get Tilt On A Lax Helmet

After oxygen is depleted, a second before we reach

to bring ashtrays glasses,
When all I could
become necessary and be away

around the bed and there's nothing to do or say.
literals, we chatted about this and the other
and monitors each output
where happiness could have fled.
If it was raining inside this room
water would simply wash
warm stones.

Laura Wittner

How To Change Shocks On A Jeep Liberty

Rapture What would I do without this world

what would I do without this world without

face or questions where being not last but an instant where every instant

is poured into the void into oblivion

have been without this wave where
end body and shadow together are dipped

what would I do without this silence
abyss murmurs gasping frantically for help by

love without this sky that rises
the dust of their weights

what he would do as I did yesterday and today

looking through the crack if I
just as vague and fled
what living in a space
among the voices voiceless
locked me

Samuel Beckett

* Translation Bruno Cuneo

Friday, December 24, 2010

Contract Or Permanent?

Crave (fragment) Psalm

I sleep your side and make purchases and charge you
and tell you how much I like it

but still force me to do anything stupid

(...) And I want to play hide and seek


give you my clothes and tell you how much I like your shoes and

sit on the edge of the bathtub while bathing

and neck massage make

and give kisses on the feet

and take the hand and go with you to dinner and not

I care that you eat from my plate

and meet you at Rudy's and talk about the day and write your letters

and carry your boxes

and laugh at your paranoia and give you


never hear and see very good movies and bad movies and complain

radio program and make

photos while you sleep and wake up to prepare coffee and toast and muffins

and take you out for coffee at Florent in the middle of the night

and let me steal cigarettes

and you never have

fire and tell what I saw on TV the other night

and escort to the eye doctor

and do not laugh at your jokes

and wish in the morning but let you sleep a little longer and give you kisses when

and caress your skin and tell you how much I like your hair

your eyes your lips your neck

your chest

your ass and sit

smoking on the stairs until you return your neighbor

and sit smoking on the stairs until you come back and worry if you fall behind

and amazed when you stand

and give you sunflowers and go to your party and dance until

be black and be sorry when I'm wrong and happy when

forgive me and view photos

and want to meet you always

and feel your voice in my ears

and feel your skin against my skin

and be very afraid when you get mad and put a black eye and one blue and your hair


eastern face and say you look beautiful

and hug when you're anxious and hold

suffer more when

and wish only to smell you and abuse in

touch and moan when you are on your side and moan when you are on your side

and drool on your chest and wrap

all night and feel cold when I take off the blanket and feel warm when you do not

and melt when you smile and laugh
disintegrate when

not understand and wonder why I'm refusing to think when I'm not rejecting

and wondering how you think I would be able to dismiss you

and wonder who you are but accept you as

and tell about the angel of the enchanted forest boy who flew over the ocean because I loved you

and write poems

and wonder why I do not think

and have a feeling so deep that it can not find words

and want to buy a kitten

and jealous of him when I get more attention and keep you

in bed when you have to go

and mourn like a baby
when you finally go and empty the ashtrays

and buy gifts that do not want and take them again

and ask you to marry me and tell me that again, but always

seriously from the first time

and wander around the city thinking that without you is empty

and want everything you want and think I'm losing myself

and know that I'm safe with you and tell

worst of myself and try to give you the best because you deserve

and answer your questions when you prefer not to

and tell the truth when they do not want to try be honest because I know that you prefer

and think it's all over

but hold on there for ten minutes until I throw your life

and forget who I am

and try to approach you because it is beautiful learning to know

and effort worth

and talk bad to worse in German and Hebrew

and make love with you at three in the morning

and somehow connect that love

overwhelming unconditional overwhelming

ubiquitous and everlasting

that enriches the heart and frees the mind

that eternal love and this I feel for you

Sarah Kane

How Much To Remove Cancer

Some days I believe that all garbage
we like him. After leaving the balcony

see children running through the spring
while singing.
do not know their names.
one or the other seems to me.
I mean I went
when I became light

presence of grace or joy. A smile opens

then a summer house.
and hard, hard yet.


Wordpress Themes Stove

Some days I'm in darkness

Karl Kraus

There is a light that the wind has gone out.
There is a tavern in the evening a drunken abandon. A vineyard
burned and black.
with holes filled with spiders.
There is a room that have been bleached with milk.
The madman has died.
There is an island in the South Seas
to receive the sun god. Play the drums. Men carry
war dances.
hips sway among vines and flowers of fire, when the sea
sings. Oh our paradise lost.

nymphs have left the forests of gold. They bury
Then begins a fiery rain. Son of Pan

arises under the guise of a road worker,
sleeping at noon on the scorching ground.
There are girls on a patio dresses
of wrenching poverty.
There are rooms full of chords and sonatas.
There are shadows in the mirror blind embrace. The windows

heated hospital convalescents.
A white ship sailed up the channel
loaded with bloody epidemics.

foreign Sister
arises again in the bad dreams of someone.

George Trakl

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Hang A Clothes Rod On An Angled Wall

To Lou Andreas-Salome

'm in darkness, and blind.
My eyes can not find your way.
The wild swing of
day is like a curtain that hides you from me.
The look: it will lift the curtain that hides
my existence,
the weight of my life and its meaning.
And that is really my death.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Free Wedding Seating Chart Poster Template

Go, my songs, to the lonely and dissatisfied.
also go to the distressed, to the complacent,
showing my contempt for their oppressors.
Go as big waves of cold water,
to show my contempt for their oppressors.
Speak against unconscious oppression,
speak out against the tyranny of the unimaginative.
Speak against the bonds.
Go to the bourgeoise who is dying of boredom,
woman go to the suburbs. Go to
unhappily married,
go to all those who cover up their failure,
be marred couples, the wife
be sold,
go to the woman entailed. Go
lust sufferers,
go to all those dissatisfied in their delicate desires,
go as a plague upon the world drowsiness;
who draw the blade against all this,
strengthen the subtle strings,
bearing trust until the algae and the tentacles of the soul.
them go amicably
sincere words.
who yearn to find new evils and a new well,
that are against all forms of oppression. Go
of those whose maturity has shut down,
those who have lost interest. What will the adolescent
drowned by the family-
Oh, how terrible is
see three generations together under one roof!
is like an old tree with shoots and branches that putrid
come out and challenge conventions, plant
rebelling against slavery in the blood.
That goes against all forms of depreciation.

Ezra Pound

1 Year Death Anniversary Cards

Mandate of memory Basement

I live is pure nonsense
And I'm saddened by the tortured memory.
not I frequent guest in his lair
And there I am upset.
When the lantern descended to the basement,
I think again a dull rumble in the collapse
steep narrow staircase. Hume
not get back I know I'm where the enemy is.
and ask for leniency ... but now there
Everything is dark and quiet. My party is over! Thirty year
accompanied the lady,
Thirty that old rascal died ...
I arrived late. What bad luck!
I can not show off anywhere, but grazed
wall paintings
and I love the fireplace. How wonderful!
Through the mold, the black ash and gray emerald glow
And the cat meows. Come home, baby!

But where is my home and where my sanity? Anna Akhmatova

Jorge Bustamante García

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wedding Templates Spanish


always loved me was this lonely hill,
and this fence, which prevents my eyes
see beyond the last horizon.
But sitting and watching the endless
spaces in the distance, the superhuman
profound silence and stillness,
in thinking I hide, and thus, little
my heart was not frightened. And as the wind, I hear whispering
between these plants, I'll
comparing the infinite silence
with my voice, and I press the eternal,
and slack seasons, and this
alive, and the sound of them. Thus, through
of this immensity my thought drowns:
is sweet and sank in the Mediterranean.

Giacomo Leopardi

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Distinguish Fake Aqua Master Watches

January 23 is one of the most interesting places in Caracas. Let us pass over the serious problems of the lower class of society, flag problems that are both ruling and opposition, let's see over the rains, below ranches, let's see this community from afar and watch it from as close as possible, from the people.

I like it or not, this area has more political significance than many states; do not believe me? When he began the roll of light (I apologize for trivializing one of the most serious problems the country), the rationing plan was laid on 23 January as one of the areas that would be as affected as others, but the 5 minutes before 10 pm the day the plan began rationing energy, President Hugo Chavez was so excited telling the Caracas-Magallanes game that day in the No. 1 program on television humorous (sorry Chespirito) ! The Hojilla of eight!.

said very informal rationing was suspended in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Parish JANUARY 23, thus simple. This took the dismissal of a minister and a complete replacement of the logistics of the plan that covered the entire country. No wonder then that in one of those occasions when he walked calmly to my house one of these days coming from the university has witnessed what happened that afternoon.

like every day I got in the water-station Metro Health is a few blocks from the block where I lived these last months, when he went to take the bus to the house I found that the road was closed and no I could explain why, did not pay much attention to it and seeing that this was one of those strange evenings where the sun was shining decided to go walk to my home.

When walking I began to realize that something strange was happening, national guards on motorcycles traveled the length and width of the road, and military trucks parked around the stranger, military honor guard (I learned to read vests) were posted on the terraces of some ranches that were in the main avenue of La Canada, specifically in front of a church that operates homeless shelter, as I approached the church, as I have to necessarily pass through to continue my way I saw a particular scene, two older women carajitos screaming like a Jonas Brothers concert (or Servando y Florentino for the natives), a handkerchief held aloft and kissed him saying all the time - is blessed! this blessed!, and one shouted: see? I wiped his sweat! puzzled, I kept walking until suddenly a bearded types of TV cameras and Argentine accent drove me to the center of the group.

really confess, at that time I was scared, and it was not just the atmosphere Pop-religious fanaticism, but to see my note about the people or was dressed in pajamas (at 4 in the late) or walked disguised military and all were watching me from top to bottom, I do not know if my university or my pint of flannel chest saying bullshit.

I also hear people praying, thanking the Lord for being there and seeing ice cream and treats children ask their parents as in the circus, at the entrance of the Hostel more soldiers and civilians dressed in red circle formed a kind of protector and in that moment as if it were a bomb squad sent to put an ice cream (yes, an ice cream with cart and all) into the shelter, wait a few minutes and suddenly preceded by a lot of military appears the Creator of the uproar, the very President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo R. Chávez. (More than anything!)

not understand the pod, as I approached, I realize that the guy is my size (1.67) but everyone seems to bend in his presence.

But it is undeniable, you love it or hate it, no matter, the guy is a Rock Star, is that people approach it, touch it, kiss the men and women without distinction of any kind, and you get from folders even gifts of various kinds. In all these bearded types drive me while staying in front of man and without hesitation the first thing that comes to mind is conditioned by the crowd that was handed him things like, give me also something to sign. I check my bag and serve only for that position are two things: one is the book I'm reading, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain and the other is my analysis of 17 pages on the book by George Orwell, 1984.

immediately think two things, Mark Twain and Hugo Chavez does not have much in common (perhaps in childhood seemed always tells the little Tom) but just do not want to damage the book is not mine, and then to Chavez better if sticks more to Orwell from a certain point of view (who tells me otherwise please read the book.) Sack total work (which get 18 XD) and extend it, the man without his signature stamp set, greets me and continues its path as if nothing had happened, suddenly I'm staying on the site and me recalled a similar scene I saw in a movie, I mean: in The Last Crusade, George Lucas, Indiana Jones witnesses the burning of books by the Nazis in Berlin disguised as a German officer, then unwittingly stumbles Adolf Hitler himself, Indiana is cold, (as anyone who has seen the Führer in person) and inadvertently load the diary of his father, a book in their hands right in front of Hitler's nose, this, looking not eat German shepherd snatches the book and autograph it paste it in the chest continued on, leaving the hero archeologist releasing a sigh of relief, as the audience.

Not for nothing, but I at that time, when I realized my feat, but to be willing to search for the Holy Grail, had wanted to drink a Kurdish and run out of there, not without thinking as my dear friend Dorvax: "these are the moments when you say I have no damn camera! "

Green Heart Vekcer

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DeahSpank! Monkey Island + Diablo? Aguaaa

If you have not heard before Maniac Mansion or Monkey Island, and think of something related to Munsters or the Monkey Island (Alejo and Valentina) respectively .... Should flee immediately because your pc will self-destruct in 5 seconds attempt geek! ^. ..... ^

4 ....
3 ...
2 ..

For those who stayed, here is a summary of the life of Ron Gilbert:

- creator of Maniac Mansion (1987, were born almost together: sniff:) and great SCUMM *.
- Creator of The Secret of Monkey Island I and II (1990 and 1991, my four years old: sniff:: sniff:).
- DeathSpank Maker (2010, revived 20 years later, like Jesus but better:-B).

For me, the former is the same as that curriculum "I co-founded google" .

Well, for those kids who waited just 12 years to see the sequel to Starcraft (1998 - 2010), we (I) had to wait 19 years to see in action the strange genius Ron Gilbert and twisting in action again. It is true that Gilbert collaborated on Tales of Monkey Island, but anyone shower (ahem) in the pioneers of graphic adventure games, will feel sympathy with DeathSpank and slightly less than that with the aforementioned cast bad stories, though they do help to remind the Guybrush Threepwood old friend.

On the subject of the post. DeathSpank. What are they? Oseaaaaaaaa is a PC game, like all previous -.-. This is a superhero ... y. .. I think that's all.

Well, first of all, finish the second part in two days, by mistake the toys in the proper order, but according to what I've read, does not affect: D. The first installment of the game Orphans of Justice is, and it's over, Thongs of Virtue.

Instead of casting the whole story, tell interesting characteristics, that is, to the point:
- is an RPG (like Diablo).
- You can buy different types of armor, weapons, levels and scales as WoW ("Leveling").
- combo attacks are made, and when the meter is full of justice, the more damage the opponent attacks (like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat: D).
- There are extensive and funny dialogues between characters (like those of Monkey Island).
- Clear references to Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island throughout the game (the classic cameos by Gilbert).
- Ability to play cooperatively keyboard, joystick with your younger brother, as in the NES games (: sniff:).

Finally, the story to "play", the second installment, is to meet the thongs (yes, like those of women) of virtue, which are scattered over the world, and have been taken by corrupt people , including the owner of a large food company, a nun, and Santa Claus, the perfect game for Christmas. Even the same star using a purple. Please download

around here, thanks to RlsLog:
DeathSpank - Orphans of Justice
DeathSpank - Orphans of Justice (Update does not contain as above)
DeathSpank - Thongs of Virtue

And for all the old fans, a gift image, also hoped that tickled me sometime!

Well, I'm going because:
"I've beaten the Sword Master ™ '
------------------------------------ * SCUMM: Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion, this is the list of games that was used. It is impossible to be happy before you die if you have not played at least one. To be completely happy, you play them all}: - {juas juas.
  1. Maniac Mansion Zak McKracken
  2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  3. The Secret of Monkey Island
  4. Loom Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  5. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  6. Day of the Tentacle
  7. Sam & Max Hit the Road
  8. Full Throttle The Dig
  9. The Curse of Monkey Island

Marlin/glenfield Mod 30

Those who have a fairly hefty card perhaps, believe that the title of this post is a tribute to the great Kiko Mendive (really owe you a post) but this time it is not. Although I do not doubt for a second that if he were alive and working as a comedian and had made a mockery of the current situation in the country.

today after a short break I have been reading various reports that affect the region (ranging from Patagonia to Greenland from Easter Island to the Canary Islands) and particularly affecting our country ... No man is not Wikileaks, but this issue is in vogue, and rather it has destabilized the world (by the way because the president has not come to support him after the last statement) This time I speak of the Cancun summit, or rather the events that did more than necessary summit.

effects of climate change, natural disasters, savage capitalism and many more little things that really make me think where it will stop this world if no one for balls?? Nobody

for balls to the events and if all the world countries like ours react to emergencies resulting from disasters think the next great extinction is human. So to not dwell much and to see if they think I will let you build this post, but not before letting reading material and reflection.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Scott Kay Engagement Ring For Helzberg

Learn to murder in easy lessons

are already speculating about what we speak here and imagining things that are not. So before you go please stop reading. Breathe deep let your mind go blank. Now, read on because I do not have those filthy ideas in my head.

If you think this post is to teach them to kill the bitter enemy of Mr. Danger, or to himself or heir Mister Danger of African descent in him ... He's wrong (and in case you thought Makled further from the truth).

Whatever the title stands out is the new novel by PD James, one of the golden ladies of the novel. I've been reading some news headlines, and between the good news (which are few) found that PD James published at the age of 90 (and only looks 85) springs just turned one last novel which shares the secrets to being a murderer, or rather an obscure novelist.

[1] Oxford This lady writer who besides, and who gave life to Adam Dalgliesh (his most famous), he served as professor and director of the BBC, so it currently holds a title of nobility. So

suspense lovers, lovers of Christie (Agatha) and those that it is not enough to read the events page of the newspaper and know they can read. But wait ...

More ... calling in the next 20 minutes ...

Why did I write this post? Apart of good intentions to educate my regular readers and promoting talented people who helps make this world a better world. Also I have to talk about people that makes this world what it is. Amen that's what my dear readers like.

So I really got interested in the subject title of the novel because it seems so much closer to reality: Ours. Everyone

potential murderers. And you say (putting stupid face) YOOOO? Well, if you and I and everyone around him. But before he gets paranoid schizophrenic and continue reading.

Each time television, press, digital media bombard us with more and more products consumption just overwhelming us and make us fall into the vicious circle of the chain of consumption: more work, more expense.

addition, these same media show us shocking news all the time and the curiosity of human beings has reached such limits that every time we want more and more detail, we want more blood in the movies and series, we want more violence ... This cocktail emotions: a thirst for violence, stress, anxiety, depression and poor ability to relate (increasingly spend more screen time than against humans) gives us the perfect breeding ground for potential murderers, but add an extra ingredient to make more effective mix: Politics and Economics.

Every day politicians make mischief, bankers playing with our money, the news saying that European countries with all the strength that show are bankrupt, the U.S. threat to Latin America, Wikileaks will destroy the world as we know it that he who steals is our friend, that natural disasters are the fault of the communists, etc etc etc. and head Nah, you who have already filled all things described above and was brimming with all the frustration of things pass, of hatred that we print and news media for being therms of touch and wanting to kill the first one is headed.

So do not tell me why sometimes wakes up wanting to kill someone ... Well, you know the reasons and just have that urge to kill and a potential murderer.

Welcome to the Club.

[1] Bio PD James
[2] review of the novel

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Radio Shack Return No Receipt

De lira ire

"De lira ire" deviate from the straight path, the proceed straight.

And who's this life you have, or who actually defined the path of righteousness?

Many are those who zigzag in this way without any problems and others to make a living in this proceeding. Talking

alone, speaking erratically or simply inconsistent has given life to many characters (famous or not) who have taken a toll on everyday people, there are thousands of characters to remember daily or who have simply become famous attitudes where others reach the bed (the asylum).

all talk alone, some a hobby, others by custom, some forced by age and solitude, and another for a living.

Every night we packed the stage with monologues, ventriloquists, Stand Up Shows, etc. And every night they give pills to hundreds and thousands 4 padded walls rest on holding talks humorous, frightening and even thoughtful with his "ego". Go

to define me as another post and discover another post to discuss the madness from the inside and see the world through the eyes of irrationality. Go for another post that seeks only to lose points in this space and can also serve to commemorate those who earn their living characters talking to themselves and others (which surely are) who lost life and freedom speak alone!

I close the post with this item I found in Crazy News that going along the same lines I found it very interesting to share!

[1] "If One is a ventriloquist obligations is in a dilemma: whether to end a show the artist is talking to the puppet becomes Norman Bates, and if instead saves it in its "suitcase" coffin "becomes a sadistic character Edgar Allan Poe. There is no way to maintain a healthy relationship with a doll that-is-more inert is both partner and traveling companion creature with the most talked about. In most cases nearly impossible to separate us from one to another, are ultimately two sides of same coin. Sometimes it even seems problematic to establish exactly who is the puppet, who the artist and who the mother (the reference Norman Bates was not free, as was seen). These disturbing pairs of humans and devices can be elegant, extremely sinister, intimate, or just chilling. "

[1] Complete News

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snowboard Burton Air 61

The Fox in Beta and VHS

If you thought the man in the black cloak that leaves CETA [do with "C"?, as read, but then dedicate a post to this characteristic] with his sword, then pick up the card and look for a child to give them computer classes.

order not to lose the habit, and keep everyone informed, here is a post geekzoofrenico (as that section existed once) I see no evil take it up. And once we announced the launch of Firefox 3 patch, thought it would just re-start with the release of Firefox 4. Yes

already in beta and VHS we have the largest, unique, incomparable, say Cachirulo Firefox:

According to Mozilla's own website these are the advantages and new features of version 4:

"... Once you install Firefox 4 Beta, you'll see the add-Review in the upper right corner. You can use it to send your views at any time. You are also advised on user studies (carried out by Mozilla Test Pilot) that collect information about how you use Firefox ... "

" Sync your preferences, passwords, bookmarks, history, open tabs, and other settings through multiple devices so you can take anywhere Firefox. "

"An easier way to manage add-ons and discover new ways to personalize your browser "

So gentlemen do not hesitate more and go to the Web to download the Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta. And if you still have doubts, this new version is faster and lighter than the 3.5. Do not hesitate and call yaaaaaa!

Download the Beta

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Stop Mouth Cut From Bleeding

Why are we as we are? Resetting

Days Gone while talking to a friend.
"You were talking to the mirror.
's not true, talking to you.
"I do not exist. "Well then
Stop fooling around and let me write. But you do the post.
"Well just saying. Just me and you will dictate what you write.

... So shut up and let me work. Going back days I found myself reflecting back something that puzzled me: A pair of socks that had a year without seeing .
And a story that made me think even harder.

Schizophrenia is a Virus!

If gentlemen as they hear it. A retrovirus that slipped Sixty million years ago our forefathers and has managed to evolve the way to go with us. The virus in question is slipped into the cells that produce sperm and eggs, has passed from generation to generation.

[1] ... Thanks to this research is showing the way the HERV-W could trigger diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and multiple sclerosis. Although the body fights to hold off its endogenous retrovirus, infection at birth near destabilizing this tense balance [...] The first and decisive toxoplasmosis infection or flu (with the consequent outbreak of HERV-W) could happen just before or after birth.

The initial infection could trigger a pattern that subsequent infections awaken the HERV-W, causing more inflammation and ending in symptoms. This process explains why people with schizophrenia gradually lose brain tissue. Explains why the disease comes and goes ocmo infection chronic. And it explains why some schizophrenics suffer their first psychotic after a mystery illness similar to mononucleosis.

this in mind, is it that the average fairy exists?, is it possible to find a vaccine for bipolar disorder? With this discovery, making a DNA vaccine or be eradicated by cleaning our schizophrenia.

Is this another evil empire plan to further enrich the vaccine business [2] and keep economic control of the world or simply Mister Danger has realized all the classified information has slipped through This Blog and is intended to heal persuaded to end the threat.

glimpsing Hopefully that will be more truth about this new discovery and then we can discern the truth of these facts, and then take the final decision.

For if the rule truncates my political career, which will be the future of my grandchildren and my retirement in a private island paradise in the Pacific aboard a luxury yacht that I will have earned by the sweat of my brow and my honest work.

What if I end Esquizoofrenia veal?


[1] Full Story (in English) here

[2] Friends Fans of conspiracy here no soap to wash.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

English Test To Tamil Translation Software


City Fellowship of MUNT cities located on the Jovian satellite Ganymede, in a region called Morlen.
Many people living on Earth disappeared there. In general terms the people are human beings rescued from a catastrophic ground and transported to that place to live a new opportunity. I recommend listening to it.


Kidney Infection- Light Brown Spotting

GETTING TO MUNT (Technical facilitation)

Repeat steadily to enter a deeper stage of sleep.

MUNT Complex, we have seen the truth

and resigned to the lies of our society.

accept me in your circle of light. Today

will visit your world with respect and seriousness,

behold its beauty and I adore.

accept me in your circle of light.


The procedure is simple, but they only get if you are in an advanced stage in your spiritual awakening.

Do like you do usually try to go abroad to a place where you see the sky. Look at the starry sky and in your mind Pronounced: MUNT.

then let go.

Imagine you start to move upward at an incredible rate, so you do not know where it has been your place of departure. If this works will appear in a beautiful place where you can observe huge galaxies and nebulae, like the initial description.

If you got to this part can be proud of yourself. They are the suburbs of MUNT.

Enter the nearest planet's atmosphere and scroll down to see one of their populations. 90% of the stars are inhabited, are moons or stars. Then you approach someone to greet you, then ask him to take you to MUNT. Possibly lead you to any area of \u200b\u200bthe sky or with you, if the entity agrees MUNT've agreed to.

messages you MUNT transferred residents will be very clear, much more than the information received from other entities or from the Akashic Records, spend time there and talk to its people, explore its streets, towns and admire the landscape . Notes and tips

* It is important that practices do not be impatient to leave, as it would break our cycle of relaxation and bring us back to the physical world.

* As you approach the split is losing consciousness shortly by little until you fall asleep. It is important to look closely mentalizing our state and not to fall asleep before the end of the art. When we come to astral mind will be completely awake again.

* Sometimes it is not enough just to read these techniques, it is sometimes better to ask for advice to travelers more experimental. The IPF is a good place to ask questions:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tech Deck Trucks Wide

Total Thanks ...

Visitors Today we reached 7500 worldwide.
From Carapita to London (State Delta Amacuro).

And just today, change in accounting. And as this release is the second version of the blog, leave the past aside! emepzamos counting from zero.

With the anguish of being able to reach 1,000 readings in this new version, or at least know I'm not alone in this screen (to feel less crazy than I am) but I know in advance that no matter what happens, I will continue talking to himself.

So we continue wasting our time!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Humira Where Best To Inect

Die Mauer ist offen! (The Wall)

a day like yesterday and today also marks "die Wende" . The Fall of "Berliner Mauer" (Berlin Wall). From the night of November 9 to November 10, 1989. It's interesting how a simple ad can change the course of history, as few words spoken at the right time can cause an avalanche of reactions can completely change the course of events.

The "Ab Sofort" (immediately) that gave Schabowski was the trigger for the mass mobilization of people to the borders of the FRG and the GDR resulting in a euphoric concentration of tools ready to end the borders of the Wall and the prevailing ideological boundaries.

However, in the XXI century and after 21 years of that incident that changed the world, yet today there are some walls and erected so many with the complicity of the agencies' watch for peace in the world "

Israeli West Bank Barrier, Wall of the Tortilla, the walls of the Sahara SADR and many many others which although not physical walls are harder to break down: the ideological walls. So when we

to bear complicity in the world to maintain control and bring people to change a few drops of power and miles of land won with blood, hunger and destruction ... When they finally tear down the wall largest ever built by mankind: The of prejudice.

Bonus track: Pink Floyd Concert on the Wall in 1990 .

Monday, November 8, 2010

Departure Times From Pierhead Liverpool

The End Times Thoughts Fecal

Taken crazy News

Warning: The following post shows the limits of human stupidity. It is recommended that sensitive people with a minimum of common sense to see the video vomit at the end of the post.

If you on your paranoia argued that Internet was going to end the culture, reason and consistency ... came up short.

One can understand this logic:
1) Use a video filter, say effect, which distorts the image.
2) I filmed myself applying that effect and see my face contorted.
3) I laugh at the result.

That much is stupid, but not alarming. However this is much, much more. Seeing the reaction of the girl who filmed himself using the filter "swirl" on his face, one wonders why he can not stop laughing and how much to take the celebration of this stupidity.

After seeing a couple of minutes of this clip one wants to please, this girl is drugged. One prays that their reactions are not from the lucidity of his everyday rational scheme. And, in turn, to us viewers what happens to us? Why can not stop hating? Why do we feel that these images strike the nerve of civilization and of everything we consider good?

fact may seem trivial but it is the subtle lighting of the wick end of time. The men of the future will recognize in this video the exact spot of the birth of the snowball that ended with the West.

If you are concerned about contributing to the apocalypse click here .
Bonus track (in Arabic, but equally stupid) here

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

'wedding Saree Blouse Designs'

. Soldiers

In these days of hustle I've been thinking about our idiosyncrasies ... We are a people, noble, happy, jovial, friendly, and hell ' mother, among many other nicknames that distinguish our gentile.

Given my limited time available, I decided to do several things at once, among them I have been thinking while I'm in the bathroom. A force to push ideas I have realized what we are funny and witty. Valga

this post as tribute to those sentences that mark us forever, deep thoughts fail to exceed the boundary of the bathroom door, a tribute to the hundreds of idle messages seafood, writing in the bathrooms.

I have read many things that I have stuck in my mind and I decided today to show the world.

1. "If the dog lifts his leg, then you lift the lid"

2. "Here even the most horny shits"

3. "Here is not mea caga"

4. "You are very macho, but right now you have a pee in his hands"

5. "Happy Mea, mea happy ... but please piss in"

6. "If you read this is because you're screwing things

7. "If you read these" out of the toilet shitting "

8. "Chavez Marico (eye, actually I read it, not invent it or show my personal opinion)

9. "I have big balls" and below respond "Memetelo in the ass dude"

10. "I if I took" (This I think it was in a bathroom, hahaha Greetings greens.)

11. "In an emergency, go screwing things

12. "If your hands are your fingers are paints and brushes, paint your mother's pussy walls Rayes not"

13. "The PEO is the cry of freedom the shit it down. "

14. "God willing, brother, you never have in the ass, what we now have in hand"

15. "Viva Chavez" and below "In Cuba bastard"

16. "Pia is not mine without me" (Original in Guaro, trans.: Urinating not throw a fart is not urinating)

If anyone knows of any other is free to write

Sincerely Yours

... Moi!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Milena Velba Inspector


Brothers of IPF, the information posted on the blog about the book "I visited Ganymede "I was stunned. Promised further clarification on the following days and here you have them.

The similarities between the "Kingdom of Munt" and "Complex stellar Munt" I could see in my many trips to the astral are truly amazing. As you all know I've always been very cautious about revealing information about that world. In a split is very common to receive mixed messages and therefore it is important to clarify when it comes to valuable information.

From my first contact with this heavenly world have spent about 3 years. It all started with their own astral exploration outside Earth's atmosphere. Reason, an instinct, possibly guided by fate.

do not know if you have read complete the book, if you have not done I recommend that you begin to do so, because in the second and third part appears everything was revealed to me in recent years.

The information conveyed to me in the Kingdom of Munt was the same as displayed in the sections that I have indicated. I know that for some still bearing the waking mind is incredible that they have these matches so clear, I ask only faith in my word and that if anyone else visited this solar system civilization a little over 30 years is that we should at least listen.

This book contains all the messages I received, only part of them. It is also true that until now I transmitted data of the fourth part of the work so I can not say that this is correct, if that were the preliminaries of the New Era began in 2001 and therefore the worst is yet to come.

Earthquakes around the globe, volcanic eruption, a flowing oil well on ... These are the most publicized by the media, but they are not alone. We do not know what to expect, what is clear is that the New Age trap us and we must prepare for it.

Clarifications about my travels. Symbol

As for the mark shown in the 3 basic interaction, not its meaning, I can only say which is a type of flag or sign related to this wise extraterrestrial civilization.

The Artemis Project Artemis Project, is not really directed by my dear friends, I must confess that is the result shown in Munt, I'm just an intermediary. Shortly after my first visits were guiding me in this way he could reach many people as possible and spread the practice of this project as an adaptation to the New Age of Aquarius.

Ganymede was not documented that this civilization was originated in our solar system, much less to be located in one of the satellites of Jupiter. What if I was informed of the expansion of his empire throughout the universe, and new transportation systems, which does not appear in any paragraph of the book, as its location elsewhere in the Milky Way.

Amarillo Metro raises
About Amarillo told me his life and saw the cataclysms that appear in the text, like a step backwards in time is involved. Unlike the author I do not know the name of the star, as he had no other information as the situation in the asteroid belt, was only recorded as facts without name or other references.

The Artemis Project last year sent some members to visit splitting techniques MUNT, soon publish some in the group forum for you to have the evidence of this world that has repeatedly tried to contact our humanity.

I ask seriously to this issue, you can give your views while respecting the ideas of your peers. Namasté


Monday, October 18, 2010

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 779 Online


MUNT says they came to Earth millennia ago. The men called each other Nordic or Hyperborean Aryans are MUNT beings who came to Earth to escape from Mars. It was there because of their greater distance from the Sun developed the little pigmentation that characterize them.

Given the amount of overlap that exists between land and alleged construction structures seen in lunar and Martian photographs reminds us that there is a strong possibility that the Aryan man is not native to Earth.

Today all human beings have Aryan ancestry from northern Europe, Scandinavian haplogroups can be found all over the world and in all races.

Consider a real Aryan 2 meters could be considered a mystical experience and impressive. We can see in his face, his amazing divine character, his enormous mental balance, serenity and impulsivity lacking. The Nordic man, apart having a specific physical characteristics of another world has a great kindness and solidarity, a mind fully awake and lacks any aggression. The Nordic countries are those with lower rates of crime and higher educational attainment.

I've been researching lately and it's surprising their biological characteristics, apart from having a much stronger immune system than other human races are able to live virtually any temperature.

Besides being an innate qualities have their nations have been the most developed throughout history have created art, culture and technology. Because

the mixing of the native land, the world has inherited much of his qualities that have enabled us to conquer the seas and skies. Currently THERE ON EARTH a 100% pure Aryan , we all have blood running through our veins land yet we are descendants of these beings from heaven came one day our beloved planet Earth to create what is now known as KIND HUMAN.

The ancient Norse civilization parents are visiting the world physically, there MUNT beings in the cities of Europe and the U.S.. Nor should not try to look alarmed. It is only an advance information so that we know at what point the way we are.

The authentic contact has not been done yet by the huge mass of people without awareness that still exists on Earth. It is impossible to have extraterrestrial contact our planet without waiting for an attack on our real parents.

When the masses wake up contact will occur. At the moment we still have work to do.