Saturday, October 30, 2010

Milena Velba Inspector


Brothers of IPF, the information posted on the blog about the book "I visited Ganymede "I was stunned. Promised further clarification on the following days and here you have them.

The similarities between the "Kingdom of Munt" and "Complex stellar Munt" I could see in my many trips to the astral are truly amazing. As you all know I've always been very cautious about revealing information about that world. In a split is very common to receive mixed messages and therefore it is important to clarify when it comes to valuable information.

From my first contact with this heavenly world have spent about 3 years. It all started with their own astral exploration outside Earth's atmosphere. Reason, an instinct, possibly guided by fate.

do not know if you have read complete the book, if you have not done I recommend that you begin to do so, because in the second and third part appears everything was revealed to me in recent years.

The information conveyed to me in the Kingdom of Munt was the same as displayed in the sections that I have indicated. I know that for some still bearing the waking mind is incredible that they have these matches so clear, I ask only faith in my word and that if anyone else visited this solar system civilization a little over 30 years is that we should at least listen.

This book contains all the messages I received, only part of them. It is also true that until now I transmitted data of the fourth part of the work so I can not say that this is correct, if that were the preliminaries of the New Era began in 2001 and therefore the worst is yet to come.

Earthquakes around the globe, volcanic eruption, a flowing oil well on ... These are the most publicized by the media, but they are not alone. We do not know what to expect, what is clear is that the New Age trap us and we must prepare for it.

Clarifications about my travels. Symbol

As for the mark shown in the 3 basic interaction, not its meaning, I can only say which is a type of flag or sign related to this wise extraterrestrial civilization.

The Artemis Project Artemis Project, is not really directed by my dear friends, I must confess that is the result shown in Munt, I'm just an intermediary. Shortly after my first visits were guiding me in this way he could reach many people as possible and spread the practice of this project as an adaptation to the New Age of Aquarius.

Ganymede was not documented that this civilization was originated in our solar system, much less to be located in one of the satellites of Jupiter. What if I was informed of the expansion of his empire throughout the universe, and new transportation systems, which does not appear in any paragraph of the book, as its location elsewhere in the Milky Way.

Amarillo Metro raises
About Amarillo told me his life and saw the cataclysms that appear in the text, like a step backwards in time is involved. Unlike the author I do not know the name of the star, as he had no other information as the situation in the asteroid belt, was only recorded as facts without name or other references.

The Artemis Project last year sent some members to visit splitting techniques MUNT, soon publish some in the group forum for you to have the evidence of this world that has repeatedly tried to contact our humanity.

I ask seriously to this issue, you can give your views while respecting the ideas of your peers. Namasté



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