Monday, November 29, 2010

Scott Kay Engagement Ring For Helzberg

Learn to murder in easy lessons

are already speculating about what we speak here and imagining things that are not. So before you go please stop reading. Breathe deep let your mind go blank. Now, read on because I do not have those filthy ideas in my head.

If you think this post is to teach them to kill the bitter enemy of Mr. Danger, or to himself or heir Mister Danger of African descent in him ... He's wrong (and in case you thought Makled further from the truth).

Whatever the title stands out is the new novel by PD James, one of the golden ladies of the novel. I've been reading some news headlines, and between the good news (which are few) found that PD James published at the age of 90 (and only looks 85) springs just turned one last novel which shares the secrets to being a murderer, or rather an obscure novelist.

[1] Oxford This lady writer who besides, and who gave life to Adam Dalgliesh (his most famous), he served as professor and director of the BBC, so it currently holds a title of nobility. So

suspense lovers, lovers of Christie (Agatha) and those that it is not enough to read the events page of the newspaper and know they can read. But wait ...

More ... calling in the next 20 minutes ...

Why did I write this post? Apart of good intentions to educate my regular readers and promoting talented people who helps make this world a better world. Also I have to talk about people that makes this world what it is. Amen that's what my dear readers like.

So I really got interested in the subject title of the novel because it seems so much closer to reality: Ours. Everyone

potential murderers. And you say (putting stupid face) YOOOO? Well, if you and I and everyone around him. But before he gets paranoid schizophrenic and continue reading.

Each time television, press, digital media bombard us with more and more products consumption just overwhelming us and make us fall into the vicious circle of the chain of consumption: more work, more expense.

addition, these same media show us shocking news all the time and the curiosity of human beings has reached such limits that every time we want more and more detail, we want more blood in the movies and series, we want more violence ... This cocktail emotions: a thirst for violence, stress, anxiety, depression and poor ability to relate (increasingly spend more screen time than against humans) gives us the perfect breeding ground for potential murderers, but add an extra ingredient to make more effective mix: Politics and Economics.

Every day politicians make mischief, bankers playing with our money, the news saying that European countries with all the strength that show are bankrupt, the U.S. threat to Latin America, Wikileaks will destroy the world as we know it that he who steals is our friend, that natural disasters are the fault of the communists, etc etc etc. and head Nah, you who have already filled all things described above and was brimming with all the frustration of things pass, of hatred that we print and news media for being therms of touch and wanting to kill the first one is headed.

So do not tell me why sometimes wakes up wanting to kill someone ... Well, you know the reasons and just have that urge to kill and a potential murderer.

Welcome to the Club.

[1] Bio PD James
[2] review of the novel


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