Thursday, December 30, 2010

Purple Sheet Cake Ideas

City about living

Living admits no jokes.
have to live with all seriousness,
like a squirrel, for example,
ie without expecting anything out of life and beyond;
ie, all assignments are summarized in one word:
have to take seriously the life.
is, to the point and
so that even with your arms tied behind his back, and back
attached to the wall, or

wearing big glasses and wearing a white coat in a lab, you should know dying
by men.
And by men who probably never saw, and also
no one forces you to do, and also knowing
the real and beautiful thing is
have to take life so seriously
than seventy years, for example, if necessary

planted olive trees without thinking that one day would be for your children;
you do, my friend, you must,
not because, although the issues, do not believe in death, but because living
is your task.


happens, for example, we are very sick
we have to endure a difficult operation;

that it is possible that no return to get up from the white table.
Although it is impossible not to feel sadness
leaving early,
continue laughing at the last joke,
looking out the window to see if the time is

eagerly awaiting the latest release.
happens, for example, that we are on the front,
for something, such worth that fight. Just
the attack began, the first movement,
face may fall to the ground, and die.
All that we accept with singular value, and yet
passionately concerned for the war that may last for years and years.

happens we're in jail.

we approach the fifty years
and eighteen others missing
to see the iron gates open.
However, we continue to live with foreigners,
with men, animals, conflict and winds,
is, with all the outside world is
behind the wall of our sufferings is
: wherever we have to live

as if we had never died.


this world is cold,
a star among the stars;
other hand one of the smallest in the universe,
ie a drop in the bright blue velvet
is, this huge world ours.
this world is cold one day, a

day slide in the blind darkness of infinite
-not a snowball
not dead, like a cloud, like a nut
from right now has to suffer through,
should feel sadness now,
has to love both the world at all times,
must love you so consciously
you can say: I have lived.


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