Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Free Wedding Seating Chart Poster Template

Go, my songs, to the lonely and dissatisfied.
also go to the distressed, to the complacent,
showing my contempt for their oppressors.
Go as big waves of cold water,
to show my contempt for their oppressors.
Speak against unconscious oppression,
speak out against the tyranny of the unimaginative.
Speak against the bonds.
Go to the bourgeoise who is dying of boredom,
woman go to the suburbs. Go to
unhappily married,
go to all those who cover up their failure,
be marred couples, the wife
be sold,
go to the woman entailed. Go
lust sufferers,
go to all those dissatisfied in their delicate desires,
go as a plague upon the world drowsiness;
who draw the blade against all this,
strengthen the subtle strings,
bearing trust until the algae and the tentacles of the soul.
them go amicably
sincere words.
who yearn to find new evils and a new well,
that are against all forms of oppression. Go
of those whose maturity has shut down,
those who have lost interest. What will the adolescent
drowned by the family-
Oh, how terrible is
see three generations together under one roof!
is like an old tree with shoots and branches that putrid
come out and challenge conventions, plant
rebelling against slavery in the blood.
That goes against all forms of depreciation.

Ezra Pound


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