Monday, October 18, 2010

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 779 Online


MUNT says they came to Earth millennia ago. The men called each other Nordic or Hyperborean Aryans are MUNT beings who came to Earth to escape from Mars. It was there because of their greater distance from the Sun developed the little pigmentation that characterize them.

Given the amount of overlap that exists between land and alleged construction structures seen in lunar and Martian photographs reminds us that there is a strong possibility that the Aryan man is not native to Earth.

Today all human beings have Aryan ancestry from northern Europe, Scandinavian haplogroups can be found all over the world and in all races.

Consider a real Aryan 2 meters could be considered a mystical experience and impressive. We can see in his face, his amazing divine character, his enormous mental balance, serenity and impulsivity lacking. The Nordic man, apart having a specific physical characteristics of another world has a great kindness and solidarity, a mind fully awake and lacks any aggression. The Nordic countries are those with lower rates of crime and higher educational attainment.

I've been researching lately and it's surprising their biological characteristics, apart from having a much stronger immune system than other human races are able to live virtually any temperature.

Besides being an innate qualities have their nations have been the most developed throughout history have created art, culture and technology. Because

the mixing of the native land, the world has inherited much of his qualities that have enabled us to conquer the seas and skies. Currently THERE ON EARTH a 100% pure Aryan , we all have blood running through our veins land yet we are descendants of these beings from heaven came one day our beloved planet Earth to create what is now known as KIND HUMAN.

The ancient Norse civilization parents are visiting the world physically, there MUNT beings in the cities of Europe and the U.S.. Nor should not try to look alarmed. It is only an advance information so that we know at what point the way we are.

The authentic contact has not been done yet by the huge mass of people without awareness that still exists on Earth. It is impossible to have extraterrestrial contact our planet without waiting for an attack on our real parents.

When the masses wake up contact will occur. At the moment we still have work to do.


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