Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Distinguish Fake Aqua Master Watches

January 23 is one of the most interesting places in Caracas. Let us pass over the serious problems of the lower class of society, flag problems that are both ruling and opposition, let's see over the rains, below ranches, let's see this community from afar and watch it from as close as possible, from the people.

I like it or not, this area has more political significance than many states; do not believe me? When he began the roll of light (I apologize for trivializing one of the most serious problems the country), the rationing plan was laid on 23 January as one of the areas that would be as affected as others, but the 5 minutes before 10 pm the day the plan began rationing energy, President Hugo Chavez was so excited telling the Caracas-Magallanes game that day in the No. 1 program on television humorous (sorry Chespirito) ! The Hojilla of eight!.

said very informal rationing was suspended in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Parish JANUARY 23, thus simple. This took the dismissal of a minister and a complete replacement of the logistics of the plan that covered the entire country. No wonder then that in one of those occasions when he walked calmly to my house one of these days coming from the university has witnessed what happened that afternoon.

like every day I got in the water-station Metro Health is a few blocks from the block where I lived these last months, when he went to take the bus to the house I found that the road was closed and no I could explain why, did not pay much attention to it and seeing that this was one of those strange evenings where the sun was shining decided to go walk to my home.

When walking I began to realize that something strange was happening, national guards on motorcycles traveled the length and width of the road, and military trucks parked around the stranger, military honor guard (I learned to read vests) were posted on the terraces of some ranches that were in the main avenue of La Canada, specifically in front of a church that operates homeless shelter, as I approached the church, as I have to necessarily pass through to continue my way I saw a particular scene, two older women carajitos screaming like a Jonas Brothers concert (or Servando y Florentino for the natives), a handkerchief held aloft and kissed him saying all the time - is blessed! this blessed!, and one shouted: see? I wiped his sweat! puzzled, I kept walking until suddenly a bearded types of TV cameras and Argentine accent drove me to the center of the group.

really confess, at that time I was scared, and it was not just the atmosphere Pop-religious fanaticism, but to see my note about the people or was dressed in pajamas (at 4 in the late) or walked disguised military and all were watching me from top to bottom, I do not know if my university or my pint of flannel chest saying bullshit.

I also hear people praying, thanking the Lord for being there and seeing ice cream and treats children ask their parents as in the circus, at the entrance of the Hostel more soldiers and civilians dressed in red circle formed a kind of protector and in that moment as if it were a bomb squad sent to put an ice cream (yes, an ice cream with cart and all) into the shelter, wait a few minutes and suddenly preceded by a lot of military appears the Creator of the uproar, the very President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo R. Chávez. (More than anything!)

not understand the pod, as I approached, I realize that the guy is my size (1.67) but everyone seems to bend in his presence.

But it is undeniable, you love it or hate it, no matter, the guy is a Rock Star, is that people approach it, touch it, kiss the men and women without distinction of any kind, and you get from folders even gifts of various kinds. In all these bearded types drive me while staying in front of man and without hesitation the first thing that comes to mind is conditioned by the crowd that was handed him things like, give me also something to sign. I check my bag and serve only for that position are two things: one is the book I'm reading, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain and the other is my analysis of 17 pages on the book by George Orwell, 1984.

immediately think two things, Mark Twain and Hugo Chavez does not have much in common (perhaps in childhood seemed always tells the little Tom) but just do not want to damage the book is not mine, and then to Chavez better if sticks more to Orwell from a certain point of view (who tells me otherwise please read the book.) Sack total work (which get 18 XD) and extend it, the man without his signature stamp set, greets me and continues its path as if nothing had happened, suddenly I'm staying on the site and me recalled a similar scene I saw in a movie, I mean: in The Last Crusade, George Lucas, Indiana Jones witnesses the burning of books by the Nazis in Berlin disguised as a German officer, then unwittingly stumbles Adolf Hitler himself, Indiana is cold, (as anyone who has seen the Führer in person) and inadvertently load the diary of his father, a book in their hands right in front of Hitler's nose, this, looking not eat German shepherd snatches the book and autograph it paste it in the chest continued on, leaving the hero archeologist releasing a sigh of relief, as the audience.

Not for nothing, but I at that time, when I realized my feat, but to be willing to search for the Holy Grail, had wanted to drink a Kurdish and run out of there, not without thinking as my dear friend Dorvax: "these are the moments when you say I have no damn camera! "

Green Heart Vekcer


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