Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Stop Mouth Cut From Bleeding

Why are we as we are? Resetting

Days Gone while talking to a friend.
"You were talking to the mirror.
's not true, talking to you.
"I do not exist. "Well then
Stop fooling around and let me write. But you do the post.
"Well just saying. Just me and you will dictate what you write.

... So shut up and let me work. Going back days I found myself reflecting back something that puzzled me: A pair of socks that had a year without seeing .
And a story that made me think even harder.

Schizophrenia is a Virus!

If gentlemen as they hear it. A retrovirus that slipped Sixty million years ago our forefathers and has managed to evolve the way to go with us. The virus in question is slipped into the cells that produce sperm and eggs, has passed from generation to generation.

[1] ... Thanks to this research is showing the way the HERV-W could trigger diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and multiple sclerosis. Although the body fights to hold off its endogenous retrovirus, infection at birth near destabilizing this tense balance [...] The first and decisive toxoplasmosis infection or flu (with the consequent outbreak of HERV-W) could happen just before or after birth.

The initial infection could trigger a pattern that subsequent infections awaken the HERV-W, causing more inflammation and ending in symptoms. This process explains why people with schizophrenia gradually lose brain tissue. Explains why the disease comes and goes ocmo infection chronic. And it explains why some schizophrenics suffer their first psychotic after a mystery illness similar to mononucleosis.

this in mind, is it that the average fairy exists?, is it possible to find a vaccine for bipolar disorder? With this discovery, making a DNA vaccine or be eradicated by cleaning our schizophrenia.

Is this another evil empire plan to further enrich the vaccine business [2] and keep economic control of the world or simply Mister Danger has realized all the classified information has slipped through This Blog and is intended to heal persuaded to end the threat.

glimpsing Hopefully that will be more truth about this new discovery and then we can discern the truth of these facts, and then take the final decision.

For if the rule truncates my political career, which will be the future of my grandchildren and my retirement in a private island paradise in the Pacific aboard a luxury yacht that I will have earned by the sweat of my brow and my honest work.

What if I end Esquizoofrenia veal?


[1] Full Story (in English) here

[2] Friends Fans of conspiracy here no soap to wash.


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