Thursday, November 25, 2010

Radio Shack Return No Receipt

De lira ire

"De lira ire" deviate from the straight path, the proceed straight.

And who's this life you have, or who actually defined the path of righteousness?

Many are those who zigzag in this way without any problems and others to make a living in this proceeding. Talking

alone, speaking erratically or simply inconsistent has given life to many characters (famous or not) who have taken a toll on everyday people, there are thousands of characters to remember daily or who have simply become famous attitudes where others reach the bed (the asylum).

all talk alone, some a hobby, others by custom, some forced by age and solitude, and another for a living.

Every night we packed the stage with monologues, ventriloquists, Stand Up Shows, etc. And every night they give pills to hundreds and thousands 4 padded walls rest on holding talks humorous, frightening and even thoughtful with his "ego". Go

to define me as another post and discover another post to discuss the madness from the inside and see the world through the eyes of irrationality. Go for another post that seeks only to lose points in this space and can also serve to commemorate those who earn their living characters talking to themselves and others (which surely are) who lost life and freedom speak alone!

I close the post with this item I found in Crazy News that going along the same lines I found it very interesting to share!

[1] "If One is a ventriloquist obligations is in a dilemma: whether to end a show the artist is talking to the puppet becomes Norman Bates, and if instead saves it in its "suitcase" coffin "becomes a sadistic character Edgar Allan Poe. There is no way to maintain a healthy relationship with a doll that-is-more inert is both partner and traveling companion creature with the most talked about. In most cases nearly impossible to separate us from one to another, are ultimately two sides of same coin. Sometimes it even seems problematic to establish exactly who is the puppet, who the artist and who the mother (the reference Norman Bates was not free, as was seen). These disturbing pairs of humans and devices can be elegant, extremely sinister, intimate, or just chilling. "

[1] Complete News


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