Monday, November 8, 2010

Departure Times From Pierhead Liverpool

The End Times Thoughts Fecal

Taken crazy News

Warning: The following post shows the limits of human stupidity. It is recommended that sensitive people with a minimum of common sense to see the video vomit at the end of the post.

If you on your paranoia argued that Internet was going to end the culture, reason and consistency ... came up short.

One can understand this logic:
1) Use a video filter, say effect, which distorts the image.
2) I filmed myself applying that effect and see my face contorted.
3) I laugh at the result.

That much is stupid, but not alarming. However this is much, much more. Seeing the reaction of the girl who filmed himself using the filter "swirl" on his face, one wonders why he can not stop laughing and how much to take the celebration of this stupidity.

After seeing a couple of minutes of this clip one wants to please, this girl is drugged. One prays that their reactions are not from the lucidity of his everyday rational scheme. And, in turn, to us viewers what happens to us? Why can not stop hating? Why do we feel that these images strike the nerve of civilization and of everything we consider good?

fact may seem trivial but it is the subtle lighting of the wick end of time. The men of the future will recognize in this video the exact spot of the birth of the snowball that ended with the West.

If you are concerned about contributing to the apocalypse click here .
Bonus track (in Arabic, but equally stupid) here


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