Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Humira Where Best To Inect

Die Mauer ist offen! (The Wall)

a day like yesterday and today also marks "die Wende" . The Fall of "Berliner Mauer" (Berlin Wall). From the night of November 9 to November 10, 1989. It's interesting how a simple ad can change the course of history, as few words spoken at the right time can cause an avalanche of reactions can completely change the course of events.

The "Ab Sofort" (immediately) that gave Schabowski was the trigger for the mass mobilization of people to the borders of the FRG and the GDR resulting in a euphoric concentration of tools ready to end the borders of the Wall and the prevailing ideological boundaries.

However, in the XXI century and after 21 years of that incident that changed the world, yet today there are some walls and erected so many with the complicity of the agencies' watch for peace in the world "

Israeli West Bank Barrier, Wall of the Tortilla, the walls of the Sahara SADR and many many others which although not physical walls are harder to break down: the ideological walls. So when we

to bear complicity in the world to maintain control and bring people to change a few drops of power and miles of land won with blood, hunger and destruction ... When they finally tear down the wall largest ever built by mankind: The of prejudice.

Bonus track: Pink Floyd Concert on the Wall in 1990 .


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