Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can You Make Kd Without Milk


February ... It was always controversial in Venezuela .... Historically controversial .. . February giving to tell stories, tell the truth, build theories, February to fill pages and pages of books. Some left-handed some not so ... Some books carnival others sad.
This year was no carnival in February, March stole it ... .. Echoed in February this year worldwide, mostly pan-Arabism ... .. This February I chose silence.
not a coward, not put aside the controversy, not fear ... No, I preferred silence to digest what's going to see from outside this February ... But there are things we can not forget or shut up ... so I leave it others say:

The eternal presence of Ali Primera
written by William Mantilla

Latin American Abstract No social sector that Ali Primera encourage your song and the workers were his main inspiration

Latin American Abstract / Alba TV - A quiet night in a pleasant climate am on February 16, 1985, a city that seemed a city of red roofs, little traffic, the country celebrated the carnival and the brave few who passed the valley highway - car does not presage the possibility of a serious accident. Irresponsible drivers may have already crossed the borders of the city of Caracas and those who chose to stay in the city dared walking along the highway and enjoy a different night without the noise characteristic of our capital city.

Something strange began in the morning, rare to hear the voice of the revolution in stations throughout the city, was the unmistakable voice of Ali Primera, unusual, because government censors had banned the lyrics of the singer in town: "The who die for life can not be called dead and since it is now forbidden to cry. Cumpa going to wake the fuck that is not necessary but the chickens crowing. " Suddenly the news, with the background songs are announced to the country: "In the valley-car highway at the height of the bridge of the New Granada, within hours of the morning dies in a spectacular accident on protest music singer Ali Primera. "

Sunrise and the news travels around the country, doubt, anger and hope of not being certain information, dozens of times, announcing the death of the singer from the roofs of cardboard, perhaps paving the way for this power to kill artist of the song needed, Ali was always a goal of the dictatorship's henchmen AD-COPEI who made several attempts on his physical integrity.

Hundreds of people of all ages stopped his travels, came rushing to the highway to check the tragic news, there were the ever-servers public, the city's fire cooling a mass of iron that imprisoned the body of the humble singer was true Alí Primera was dead. A deep silence gripped the men used to living in tragedy, hoping to feel some sign of life-saving bodily revolutionary song. There was the humble singer, singing her last song, clutching his guitar gun, shooting death a thousand times and this time defeated by a few seconds he had successfully fulfilled its mission. Ali was eternal.
The singer died in suspicious circumstances, sentenced by the bourgeoisie, often fell victim to attacks by security forces of the Fourth Fourth Republic who never forgave their constant and ongoing human rights advocacy. On numerous occasions, came to sabotage acts with intent to kill Ali Primera amid the confusion came because these sabotage preceded the release of tear gas.

His voice echoed against the thugs, "and if a revolutionary lives as a prisoner, his only remedy is straight to torture," Ali was the genuine voice of the voiceless, militant solidarity, internationalism was his virtue, the money could by the sale of his records was intended in the revolutionary struggle of our people, without fear, brought his voice and resources to the guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti, the Sandinista Front and the guerrillas of the FARC-EP. Raised his gun guitar calling the militant solidarity "Salvadoran Dale, dale, no small bird, hit it, that after not stop to take off your fly." "Solidarity is a weapon." "You have to blow up our consciousness, not omitting the poems in his throat. Seek with our hands the best song from the beasts. " A fervent anti-imperialist

not hesitate to denounce the U.S. intervention and encouraged the fight secure the victory of the resistance of our people and it stated: "Gringo go home, Yanqui Go home, los obreros de América latina te dicen yanqui go home”.

No hubo sector social al que Alí alentará con su canción, los obreros fueron su principal inspiración: “el Yanqui teme, que tu te levantes, América latina obrera no se porqué no lo haces”. Denuncio la explotación y aupaba la revolución socialista y la lucha contra el capitalismo; impulso la unidad obrera, campesina y estudiantil: “Campesino por su propia tierra, obrero por su propia fábrica, estudiante por tu propia idea; sequemos el sudor de nuestra frente y busquemos tras las nubes al sol, busquemos con alborozo el sol maravilloso de la revolución”.

Su compromiso with the poor was unwavering: "Mother let me fight, the poor mother, let me fight. And remember mother that the poor struggle is not for charity. "

poet in love with life, was a defender of Mother Nature, I sing to the river: "That does not dry the fire" to the caged birds by calling freedom bought at pet shops and then drop in the mountains. His mother taught him "not to kill the butterflies and not to cut the roses in his garden grew." "Water for fish, birds, freedom, life for life."

Comrade poet, activist and revolutionary Ali Primera, was present with his song battle at the barricade, raising awareness, remembering that socialism is solidarity, equality and fraternity. His song is here, with the people who build revolution. Working, studying, organizing, fighting and raising the flags of the beautiful country as many have died. Ali Primera physically died that February 16, 1985, but that day went to Olympus of immortality and today more than ever necessary song is building poetry, love for humanity, proletarian internationalism. "Those who dream and fight. They encourage me to sing for them. " Callo

voice for a moment the guitar was silence, but of that mass of iron is perpetuates the song, the poet emerged beating to death, singing stronger, long live the fatherland, long live the people, long live socialism. "It's that simple brothers. When I get hits, I lift the front and singing. "

"Adios Hermanos. I will continue singing. Only with the new chord from left to: my new song: cantata in more pain. "

Ali Primera Lives! The struggle continues!


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