Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Install A Closet Rod On An Angled Wall

10 Movies NOT to watch together (but you should see) Déjà vu

Long ago, in a place of Caricuao whose name I do not remember, we came up to me and some friends to do what many young Venezuelans do when they are locked in the house of the girlfriend of one of them and not want to talk to one another: to make a movie night.

For some strange reason, we chose to film the night in question turned on the same plot, the violence. Not necessarily the rampant violence and senseless that many exaggerate Films today, but violence "aesthetics", well made, well, justified.

However, after seeing so many movies like that together (which will be mentioned in another post), the effect on our psyche was a mental indigestion shooting, blood and pain in the ass clean, the problem is that unlike the stomach when suffering from a bad Similarly, the brain can not vomit so just eat, or at least do otherwise, ie, after so much violence, we were very violent (and us).

Ok enough about violence, the point is, if you see so many films together in a single subject, probably more to enjoy as the plot eventually affect you choose, if they are movies sweetie, we believe that be happy you continue in your relationship to the monster @ the shift (or think that the love of your life is the one night stand last weekend), if the plot is about violence, we think that because you walk with a franelilla dirty and barefoot are the living embodiment of John McClaine, and so on, the mental states are as limitless as there are genres of movies.

But despite these altered states of consciousness that causes excessive use of similar features, not necessarily every one strip marathon ends necessarily bad, because once you break from visual ment, quiet your mind so that you realize what you just witnessed is nothing more than a work of fiction that has as final result entertain the masses.

Despite this there is a set of films that I think may cause effects on the mind so terrible as to make you believe it in your dresser and determined there are not enough pean such as actors, then you should devote yourself to find more conflicts with just about anything you do in your life (but unfortunately some people do not need to see these movies to be created such absurd existential problems that the creators of the films listed below die of envy).

My intention is not spoiler ( spoil "spoil," "damage" or "ruin") , movies, however I will make a little history to understand that it is and to give them a rating based on how descoñetante or depressing is for the others.

Beyond that recalls the most important thing, if you have not seen these films get, but PLEASE, porfa, for little favor, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL SEE ALL TOGETHER.

Man on Fire ( Man on Fire, 2004 )
A former CIA agent, medium bomber, must rescue a young girl is kidnapped, which is bodyguard , having to unwind a story where the American political corruption is the order of the day, and where you have to give up his own life.

Rating: 10 rounds (5 for the final 5 for putting a bomb in the ass to type)

Preciosa (Precious : Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire, 2009)
An obese 16 year old, black, poor and illiterate is raped by her father and becomes pregnant this event twice, so he hates his own mother thought she had won the love of her husband, their first child is a girl with Down syndrome, besides all this has AIDS.

Rating: CoñoNojodaVerga! (What you say in the scene fall down the stairs)

Requiem for a Dream (Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky, 2000)
Three young heroin addicts become drug plan to out of the current situation of their lives which ironically is related to their addiction, while the mother of one of these is addicted to amphetamines because of his obsession with losing weight to assist your favorite program.

Rating: 10 injectors

Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 1996)
Considered one of the cult films of the nineties, this film shows the strange perspective of drug users. The philosophy of life that presents the main character, Mark Renton, is summarized in a simple, straightforward question: why choose a way of life? Renton says at the beginning of the film, which follow the crowd and lead a normal life is complicated. The addict does not work, no partner has no responsibility or moral, all you have to worry about getting something to sell to fund their addiction. Not stressed, not controversiones loving and quite individual. However, over time, he realizes he can not be plunged into a circular target, so he decides to be helpful.

Rating: A baby crawling on the ceiling

Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
The first film in the trilogy United States: land of opportunity . is a heartbreaking story which brilliantly represents the essence of the human condition in each of its interpreters. From a humble farmer, the doctor hypochondriac, the erudite professor or blind automarginals, kind people and "God-fearing, all share this tendency, an intrinsic part of human history and, cruelly using their power over others. Power veiled under a thick mantle of a society become inbred and repression. This film shows the human condition which, like the powerful, the humble exercise of power and repression of another if given the chance.

Rating: 10 mafia murderers and 10 broken dolls

Manderlay (Lars von Trier, 2005)
The second part of the United States: Land of Opportunities , the action starts a few days after the end of Dogville . Grace travels to Alabama in the southern United States, where he finds a cotton plantation, Manderlay, where slavery still rules. Grace manages to free the slaves, and decides to establish a democratic community ... with very poor results.

Rating: 10 Mafia murderers ... and a couple of slaves crazy.

seemed a quiet man (He Was a Quiet Man "Frank Cappello, 2007)
Have you ever had an office mate that might be?: Bob Maconel is a disillusioned office worker who daydreams to kill his coworkers. One day, one of his colleagues entered the office angry and shoot everyone there. Maconel takes the gun he had saved to commit the same crime and kills him. There are only two survivors of the slaughter: Maconel and Vanessa Parks, who is quadriplegic due to injuries. Maconel becomes a hero, he and Vanessa turn begins a relationship normal. However, the demons of the past remain in the head and thinks that Vanessa Maconel abandon him when he recovers.

Rating: 1 out of office mate that way.

Se7en, seven deadly sins (Se7en, David Fincher, 1995)

's mom movies like Saw but much better made and written starring nothing more and nothing less by Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman. This film is about two detectives (one to retreat and the other a novice) that together have to solve a series of murders committed by a psychopath and methodical lawyer named John Doe who uses the guide to Dante Alighieri sins did in his famous work The Divine Comedy . Starting with gluttony, envy and anger until, to commit his grotesque crimes.

Rating: 7 .... one for each sin

Huelepega (Elia K. Schneider, 1999)
A film about the harsh reality of street children in Venezuela (and probably in all Latin America) where the child protagonist, becomes part of an environment marred by clashes between gangs of drug dealers and thieves exploitation of street children as the last link in the chain of crime. Is one of those movies that make you think about what stories are behind those Chamita you ask for money or sell you things on the street.

Rating: 14,000, for each child of the streets in Venezuela

Watchmen: Los Vigilantes (Watchmen, Zack Snyder, 2009)
In my own opinion one of the best superhero movie, the premise Who watches the watchers? ", The film shows how the world would be masked heroes apart from fighting crime, they must also address its own human complex , take advantage of their powers to act as gods but human consciousness, just great.

Rating: 10 spots Rorscharch


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