Friday, March 18, 2011

Matéria Hackear Ogame Baixar

Figurative or Fund? My opinion on the crisis in Venezuela

Ya no me importa quien tiene la razón sobre como se debe actuar, he asistido como observador a las marchas, huelgas, pronunciamientos tanto de uno como de otro bando, en busca de una visión coherente de la realidad.
Pero lo que veo es como todo el mundo discute hasta el cansancio cada detalle acerca de cómo se desarrollan los hechos, quien dijo qué y como lo dijo, a que hora y el por qué (este ultimo depende de cada versión que surge), así, pareciera que cada uno se convierte en un experto en Mecanismos de Protesta, y cada vez menos conscientes de las razones por las que se hacen las mismas.
Es como si después de ver una serie de T.V. analices chapter by chapter to the more technical detail, leaving out the plot and story, and just sacrifice the series as was done by ", you drop the bottom, Fig.
I'm sick of that in a complex situation, where the same problem has N-N-causes and consequences, insist on simplifying the issue to a simple equation of colors, words, or you're white or you're black, you of the ruling or the opposition for supporting this or that, and they're the good the bad, always repeating the eternal slogan if you're not with me then you are against me, and here I keep wondering: do you really be so simple (and I I'm going crazy), is he already gave the solutions (and I'm too rough to understand)? Is there another (or others) solutions?
argue about who knows the true cause of the problem, who are to blame and what should be done to punish them. The worst (and what I think nobody has noticed) is that all participants first agree that the problems exist, and they are the same, but with different names.
But nobody gives a solution, nobody says anything concrete, all ask for support, but nobody gives a good reason why this has become a struggle over who has the best method Hunger strike vs. Chain strike, opposition to progress up the ruling, that if classes are suspended too slow or too fast suspending, vs Rector. Ministry, and finally, the value of education all spend you know where ...
Maybe this is not the most pertinent example, but in my perspective I do not see how to understand the world that we are fighting for method and we set aside the resolution of the problem. I have not heard the true solution or something like it, I agree even with good suggestions.
But it does not matter, when classes begin again on Monday, and problems how hard we are trying to solve become unsustainable and starve me to lunch because there is no room in a school that had to be reached on foot because they hijacked the bus, with a library where there is no updated texts and a teacher underpaid (regardless if your vote is worth more or less than mine), I will have many choices about whom I can blame, but nobody to thank for having at least one problem solved ...


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