Thursday, October 14, 2010

ور قعر الحريم


Again this big circus that forces us to bend and reflect ...

This time we find that we have all book military. And for what?

I really wonder if anything good having you join the military record in a country where military enlistment is voluntary. Another new control strategy to seem increasingly to big brother who criticize, and we fought daily.

I actually understand the real causes of having 26 million reservists in a country predominantly pacifist. Perhaps we are preparing for asymmetric warfare? We are taking the step forward to achieve the great invasion locate us as the great imperialist anti-imperialist?

I would not imagine it will for all this, just know that at the moment have recoiled in fear again a stately blunder that makes them tremble, and have again demonstrated our legislators who are impulsive and not at all analytical.

Well this serves as an example for the generation of relief that from next year will be encouraging the circus.

While we laugh, we cry, we eat the bread and took a little juices for warmth as we queue to be enrolled in the Military Register.


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