Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is It Nrmaol To Be Very Dry Before A Period?

celluloid Day

both cultural
nowadays. I spent the weekend (weekend) before watching some movies of Charlie Chaplin and thinking about one of his most important works: The Great Dictator.

I've seen several movies of Chaplin, but I definitely like this. Although I confess that I have never laughed so much as when I saw modern times.

also as a good fan of Dali film I've seen his work created with Buñuel and Disney. Stressing that the unfinished work of Dali and Disney could have changed the history of animation.

I raise (in its second sense, but like in the strict sense sandwich ... because I have a hungry dog) these memories film libraries because just today while thinking what to write I found that just celebrated 83 years today the premiere of "The Jazz Singer"

And you say, "and me that ? Well, this movie was the first talkie film history. Yes sir, a jewel ... a gem that unfortunately I could not get even.

But it is worth remembering that a day like today 83 years ago for the first time it heard a sound in a movie theater.

And finally we, I pay a small tribute to fellow first-time, Margot Benacerraf ... The creator of Reveron, the first documentary with mixer and sound effects on screen. The creator of such famous Araya winner and the first woman to shoulder camera film made in Venezuela.

PS: Here
Margot few anecdotes here
Jazz singer in IMDB


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