Friday, January 21, 2011

Amethyst Geode For Sale Toronot

Because I wrote Ulysses

and Angelica Cristina

Now that maybe in a year of quiet,
think: poetry helped me to this:
could not be happier, this was denied me, but I wrote

wrote: I was the victim
of begging and mixed pride and executed
also a few readers;
lay his hand on doors that never, ever seen;
a girl fell in another world at my feet.

But I wrote: I had this strange certainty,
the illusion of having the world in his hands
- what more perfect illusion! as a Baroque Christ in all its cruelty
wrote, my writing was like weeds flower
unleavened but flowers in short,
the daily bread of uncultivated land:
a shell of thorns and roots
Life took these words as a child
tinsel pebbles by the river:
things magic, perfectly useless
but always return to renew their charm.

The kind of madness with an old flying pigeons
imitating them was given to me instead of being used for something.
condemned I hesitate writing to all of my real existence
(days of my writing, solar abroad.)
all who served and those who were served
will say and do because I wrote
death means working closely
, steal a few secrets. Originally
the river is a vein of water
-there, for a moment, even in that high-
then at the end, no one sees a sea of \u200b\u200bthose
Brace life.
Because I wrote I hate embarrassing, but the sea
part of my writing itself:
surf line where a verse I can reiterate I
foam poetry.

I was sick, no doubt
and not just insomnia,
also fixed ideas that made me read
with obscene attention to a few psychologists,
but I wrote and crime was lower, I paid
line by line until write,
because a word that fits into the abyss
comes a little dark and that light intelligence
many monsters are executed.

Because I wrote was not the executioner
home or I got carried away by the love of God
and accepted that men were gods
did not want me as a clerk
seemed to me neither poverty nor power atrocious
a desirable thing
and washed my hands and I fouled
nor were my best friends
virgin or had as a Pharisee
friend or anger despite
wanted to disrupt my enemy.

But I wrote and I'm by myself, because I wrote because I wrote
'm alive.

Enrique Lihn


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