Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Store Offer Layaway


do not stop Walt Whitman

N or let the day end without having grown a bit,
without being happy, without increasing your dreams.

Do not be overcome by discouragement.

not let anyone take away the right to express,
which is almost a must.

not give up the urge to make your life extraordinary.

not stop believing that words and poetry
they can change the world.

matter what our essence is intact.

We are beings with passion.

The life is desert and oasis.

us down, we hurt,
teaches us, makes us

protagonists of our own history.

While the wind blow against the powerful

work continues:
You can contribute a verse.
Never stop dreaming,
because dreams are free man.

not fall into the worst mistakes:


Most live in an awful silence.

not resign yourself.

"I issue my screams over the roofs of the world," says


values \u200b\u200bthe beauty of simple things.

can make beautiful poetry about little things,
but we can not row against ourselves.
That transforms life into hell. Enjoy

panic causes you

have life ahead.
Live it intensely, without


that you think is the future

and facing the task with pride and without fear.

Learn from those who can teach you.

The experiences of those who preceded us
of our "dead poets"
help you walk through life
today's society we are:

The "living poets."

not let life happen to you without the live ...


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