Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lowincomedentalcare Ark

BASTA! Do not stop

wars, no more bitterness, no more hatred, just stop, enough lies, enough of envy ....

enough that my neighbors gossiping try to find out what I bring in the bag when I come to buy, just that it does not rain when under the umbrella, just that the boss never compliments me when I do well and always grilled me of when I do wrong ... (A little touch of humor, because the BASTA really important in my opinion are the top, and many others that are not there).

And you, what do you think enough? Encourage them and let me
a "serious Enough" and "Just a touch of humor"

hope I do not have to discover in any comment, "enough to read this petarda ...." hahaha :-)

A hug!


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