Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Animals With Male Genitalia


Here you have a few "WHY Cheese? " and preguntillas to try to pluck a smile, mind you, he already is Wednesday, trying to smile to life ;-)

what buttons we press harder on the remote control when you have a few batteries?

If flying is so safe ... Why the airport is called "Terminal"?

If you are in an impasse, can we not leave the ticket?

Why is it called Labor Day a day that fewer people work?

why when we take a box of medicines, with many turns to give you, always open on the side that is not and there appears the prospect bent?
What kind
psychoactive substance take the dwarfs in Snow White so that after twelve hours of work out of the mine, singing and whistling?

Why are people who wake up to others to ask if they were sleeping?

Why "abbreviated" is such a long word?

If a crazy lawyer, "loses his mind?

Why is it always the third time lucky? Why not the second? Or fourth?

Why things are always the last place where they are looking for?

If the police arrest a mime, should you tell him he has the right to remain silent?

why when we call to your mobile feel the uncontrollable need to get to walk back and forth?

Why give us by going to the fridge every fifteen minutes, if there is always the same?


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