Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shock Absorbing Seats Boat

How to buy the book and literary awards

(updated 9/27/1910)

"War must have "Is distributed in bookstores throughout Spain. However, this includes a list of bookshops where there is evidence that no copies for sale, listing that will be updated as far as possible:

-Badajoz: Universitas Libraries (c / Ramón y Cajal, 11, and Columbus Avenue, 9).
-Badajoz: Colón (c / Miguel Regino, 17).
-Badajoz: Zurbarán (Avda de Huelva, 10).
-Badajoz: The lantern (c / López Prudencio, 25A).
-Barcelona: Librería Virus (c / Aurora, 23; meters Parallel).
-Bilbao: Gatazka (c / Ronda, 12).
-Cáceres: Todolibros (c / Camino Llano, 13).
-Gijón: Sestafeira Center (c / Numa Gilhou, 8).
-Guadalajara: Librería Emilio Cobos (c / Mayor, 34).
-Madrid: Librería Muga (Avda Pablo Neruda, 89).
-Madrid: Miraguano (c / Hermosilla, 104; meters Manuel Becerra).
-Madrid: Tres Rosas Amarillas (c / San Vicente Ferrer, 34; meters Novitiate).
-Madrid: The double-armed bandit (c / Apodaca, 3; meters Tribunal).
-Madrid: El Aleph (c / Ferraz, 22; meters Plaza of Spain).
-Madrid: Dream Dealers (c / Embajadores 35, Local 6; Lavapiés meters).
-Madrid: The Malatesta (c / Jesus and Mary, 24; metro Tirso de Molina).
-York: The Free Lavapiés (c / Argumosa, 39; metro Atocha).
-Madrid: The Porch (Plaza Puerta Cerrada, 7; meters La Latina).
-Madrid: The Piluca (Plaza Corcubión, 16; meters Barrio del Pilar).
-Madrid: La Ceiba (c / Amor de Dios, 11, metro Anton Martin).
-Madrid: Rafael Alberti (c / Tutor, 57, Metro Arguelles).
-Madrid: The Art of Living (c / Ram, 4; meters Puerta de Toledo).
-Malaga: Lights (c / Alameda Principal, 16).
-Malaga: Prometheus Books (Puerta de Buenaventura, 6, c / Carretería, 101).
-Oviedo: Local Cambalache (c / Martinez Vigil, 30, bass).
-Pamplona: Atom Ant (c / Curia, 4).
-Santander: La Libre (c / Cisneros, 17).
-Santiago de Compostela: Encontros (Rúa do Vilar, 68).
-Sevilla: Dreamcatcher (c / Antonia Saenz, 1, local 3).
-Sevilla: La Fuga (c / Conde de Torrejón, 1, local 1).
-Valencia: Librería Sahiri (c / Dance, 5).

Moreover, from this blog can buy copies, personalized autographed by the author, the price of 15 euros (postage included) through the following link:

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