Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sell Your Blood In Minneapolis?

Synopsis Presentations

A young woman is fascinated by the face of a Hungarian photographer who participated in the English Civil War and the French Resistance, a forgotten face comes out to meet him several times, until finally becoming its obsession particularly vital.

old poet will be a Republican who, in the wake of the Hungarian reporter, talk to the star of a little-known episode that occurred in the late World War II: after the liberation of France, some 4,000 English soldiers, victors over Nazism, began the madness of invading the Iberian Peninsula through the Pyrenees with the intention of conquering the valley of Aran and stand there until the intervention force of the Allies.

The narrator, halfway between Madrid and as a squatter in London, leads the anti-globalization protests and the "no war", one of the summits of the G8 and the tragic terrorist attacks both twinned cities leads wielded by a plot to draw the dotted line of hope, to shake off the disappointment and defeat, to defend a thesis inevitably passes through the memory as a handle against time and a claim from another world possible: the Second English Republic.

Read the prologue to "War must have" , written by Harry Owens Hispanist.

Read a chapter of "War must have" distinguished in the form of short stories, with the Youth and Historical Memory Award 2006.

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"The author of" War has be "in addition to being a finalist in the 2007 edition of the prize XXVII Felipe Trigo novel, has received several literary awards, including first prize in the Young Artists competition Castilla La Mancha 2006 for the story titled " Notebook " , and was also finalist Story Book Day 2008 organized by the School Writers and Cadena SER.

-Agustín Lozano de la Cruz participated, as Social Forum spokesman of Guadalajara, in the collective work on the M11 "Pázsalo: crowd in rebellion", published by the Fundamentals editorial initiative of organizations Culture Against the War and we are not resigned, with texts Regás Rosa, Ismael Serrano, Lucia Etxebarria and Vicente Molina Foix, among others.

Review newspaper El Mundo on the presentation of this work at the Madrid Book Fair in its 2005 edition.

"Augustine is also a regular contributor to the magazine of literature and criticism" Odradek "published in Badajoz by the collective literary ODK Factory.

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How to buy the book and literary awards

(updated 9/27/1910)

"War must have "Is distributed in bookstores throughout Spain. However, this includes a list of bookshops where there is evidence that no copies for sale, listing that will be updated as far as possible:

-Badajoz: Universitas Libraries (c / Ramón y Cajal, 11, and Columbus Avenue, 9).
-Badajoz: Colón (c / Miguel Regino, 17).
-Badajoz: Zurbarán (Avda de Huelva, 10).
-Badajoz: The lantern (c / López Prudencio, 25A).
-Barcelona: Librería Virus (c / Aurora, 23; meters Parallel).
-Bilbao: Gatazka (c / Ronda, 12).
-Cáceres: Todolibros (c / Camino Llano, 13).
-Gijón: Sestafeira Center (c / Numa Gilhou, 8).
-Guadalajara: Librería Emilio Cobos (c / Mayor, 34).
-Madrid: Librería Muga (Avda Pablo Neruda, 89).
-Madrid: Miraguano (c / Hermosilla, 104; meters Manuel Becerra).
-Madrid: Tres Rosas Amarillas (c / San Vicente Ferrer, 34; meters Novitiate).
-Madrid: The double-armed bandit (c / Apodaca, 3; meters Tribunal).
-Madrid: El Aleph (c / Ferraz, 22; meters Plaza of Spain).
-Madrid: Dream Dealers (c / Embajadores 35, Local 6; Lavapiés meters).
-Madrid: The Malatesta (c / Jesus and Mary, 24; metro Tirso de Molina).
-York: The Free Lavapiés (c / Argumosa, 39; metro Atocha).
-Madrid: The Porch (Plaza Puerta Cerrada, 7; meters La Latina).
-Madrid: The Piluca (Plaza Corcubión, 16; meters Barrio del Pilar).
-Madrid: La Ceiba (c / Amor de Dios, 11, metro Anton Martin).
-Madrid: Rafael Alberti (c / Tutor, 57, Metro Arguelles).
-Madrid: The Art of Living (c / Ram, 4; meters Puerta de Toledo).
-Malaga: Lights (c / Alameda Principal, 16).
-Malaga: Prometheus Books (Puerta de Buenaventura, 6, c / Carretería, 101).
-Oviedo: Local Cambalache (c / Martinez Vigil, 30, bass).
-Pamplona: Atom Ant (c / Curia, 4).
-Santander: La Libre (c / Cisneros, 17).
-Santiago de Compostela: Encontros (Rúa do Vilar, 68).
-Sevilla: Dreamcatcher (c / Antonia Saenz, 1, local 3).
-Sevilla: La Fuga (c / Conde de Torrejón, 1, local 1).
-Valencia: Librería Sahiri (c / Dance, 5).

Moreover, from this blog can buy copies, personalized autographed by the author, the price of 15 euros (postage included) through the following link:

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novel in 2008 and 2009

Inma Chacón The writer participated in the presentation of "War must have" on February 20, 2009 at the Madrid headquarters of the Club of Friends of the Unesco-CAUM, within the events organized by the Friends of the International Brigades to commemorate the Battle of Jarama. This is the text of his speech .

As finalist novel Felipe Trigo, the City of Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz) included the December 9, 2008 presentation within the cultural week Felipe Trigo. The event was attended by the scholar and member of the jury Paco Almena García-Ortega, that offers his analysis here is to be titled War " Books midst of war" .

"Guerra having "appeared in the Provincial Library Guadalajara on 25 November 2008. Accompanying the author Blanca Calvo, director of the Library, and José Luis Maximiliano , Alderman of the City of Guadalajara. picked So daily news Guadalajara 2000.

On Friday November 21, 2008 was the presentation of "War must have 'in the hall of Badajoz MEIAC . The event, organized by the Association Matilde Landa, had the political and trade union participation Alfonso González Bermejo . article about the novel in the newspaper Hoy .

"War must have" reached Sitges (Barcelona) on 24 October, during the days of Commemoration of 70th Anniversary of the Dismissal of the International Brigades . The presentation took hispanist Harry Owens, author of the prologue of the novel. In addition, as part of the same act the Mexican brigade Juan Miguel de Mora presented his book of memoirs.

The Madrid Book Dealers Dreams welcomed on Thursday September 25 2008 submission "War must have." The event was attended by the Irish Hispanist Harry Owens, author of the prologue, and Oset Santiago, head of the editorial Cherries time.

On Saturday September 6 was the presentation of "War must have " at Casa de la Cultura de Fuente del Maestre (Badajoz). The event, organized by the local council, attended by the Mayor and the writer and journalist Harriet Cross .

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Collaborations Presentation Inma Chacón

I would first like to thank Agustín Lozano of the Cross two things. The first should be your invitation to join this table, but before that I would like to express my gratitude and surprise at the mention of which makes my sister Dulce on page 143 of "War must have." Meet her in this book committed, rigorous and honest, written from a position loud and clear, so moved me that I needed to say before anything else in this presentation. Thank you very much, Augustine, for giving me this surprise. She would be proud to appear on these pages, and subscribe, point by point, each of the positions they defend in your novel.

Of course, I have to thank electing me for the presentation of this book, not only because it's always an honor to present a text that claims the republican spirit, and supports the recovery of historical memory, but it allows me to contribute my little grain of sand on the same claim. And these days, it seems they start to wash their hands really could do something about the forgotten recent history, many grains are needed to get to build a place where there is no forgetting.

Grains such as Augustine himself brings Lozano de la Cruz in the novel that we are presenting, "War must have", which claimed the memory of the anti-fascist fighters, but not just those English who tried to defend the legality others were seized by force, but those who came from other countries to support the Republic.

The novel is a true statement. A reflection on memory, on time, on the need to act sooner rather than later, before the latter part of the story of betrayal and losers disappear altogether. A tribute to all those who fought relying on the strength of their ideas. To those who died and those who survived. To those who disappeared and who had no other choice but to separate of their own. A tribute to exile. To those who lost everything. For those who never returned, and those who continued to fight, dedicating his life almost entirely to the defense of the republican cause.

A novel in which reality and fiction are mixed so it is difficult to distinguish from each other.

"War must have" gives us the opportunity to understand some of our recent history. A novel with a plot very well told, in which the reader often wonders where the truth lies and where the author's imagination. And where the documentation, one of the great protagonists of the novel, the narrative is inserted in the proper place, without even, as it should be, helping the reader understand some events historical are still largely unknown, such as "Operation Reconquest", which sought to coordinate the fight against Franco exterior and interior in an attempt to invade France from the valley of Aran.

A novel flexible, well structured, it has ups and downs of a restless young man, participating in protest movements that are close, from the point of view of time and issues of concern to young people around him, as are the anti-globalization protests of the No to war, but, in the same way, was also involved in past events which led him to discover his commitment to the recovery of memory Historical.

And behind this story of commitments, shed light on some of the passions of the author. His love for the library, with its many references to books and book lovers, their passion for cinema, which is reflected in the many actors, actresses and directors who appear in the novel, his knowledge of history, reading, from Tolkien to Cernuda, through Altolaguirre, Orwell, or Saramago.

In short, a committed novel, in which the author is made clear, I do not know whether voluntarily or not, behind a first-person narrator who earns the trust of the reader from the first pages.

A narrator says page 22 of the novel: "In my country there was a war, still live people who suffered and who can testify. I can not remember since when I know that war existed, for me it is an innate knowledge, received almost by inheritance. Knowledge that for many years I did not pay much attention, but that is part of my personal background. Yes, I remember the surprise of finding that he lived surrounded by people (friends of the neighborhood and the school, neighbors) who ignored or pretended to ignore the whole story. However, the war and not another, and even less his absence was affecting their families. Most have a history (often several) that have quiet but still there, ready for anyone who wants to know. "

Hopefully there are many writers like you, Augustine engaged to recover and tell those stories.

Hopefully someday we can stop talking about the Recovery of Historical Memory, and only have to worry about "conservative." Store yesterday so we can face tomorrow. In the cemeteries where rest at last victims of this madness. In libraries, archives, documentation centers, and elsewhere aimed at the preservation of those memories that integrate the memory of the vanquished, in memory of all.
Inma Chacón

Madrid, February 20, 2009